Come and play cricket with us this weekend!

cricket batsman in action
Give it a go! It doesn’t matter if it is a while since you played… come and join us!

It may be a while since you last swung a cricket bat, but you’re really never too old to play England’s summer game.

So please help us out!

It’s the holiday season and we’re desperately short of players for our senior teams over the next two Saturdays in particular.

But we also need to bolster our playing ranks over the longer term, and would love to welcome some new faces.

We are not necessarily looking for top-drawer players (though we wouldn’t turn you down if you were). We want people who are reliable, want to do their best, and who enjoy the sort of camaraderie you only get in team sports.

We have three senior teams: a First XI, Second XI and a Third XI that includes a handful of juniors. So there is a level for everyone.

And don’t be put off if it is a while since you played, or even if you haven’t played very much in the past. We’ll make sure someone in the team looks after you and reminds you about the rules of the game. We’ll also provide some basic coaching to help polish up your technique.

Our chairman even says he’ll buy a jug of beer for any newcomer who takes five wickets or scores 50 runs. Now that’s an incentive!

You can find out where our teams are playing over the next two weeks here.

If you want to know more use the contact form below or call Ian Fenney on 07760 244410 or Clive Fenney on 07813 214068.